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Managing time during PTE Academic can get quite hectic and stressful. You are already anxious about the test day pressure and the Listening module is a challenging one. However, you can’t skip it so why worry. It is not worth it. Rather, focus on how to Beat it.
It is upon you how much time you wish to invest in every task before you choose to move on to the next questions. Hence, it is essential to build and maintain your performance and time with accuracy and effectiveness. Understand that maximizing your score with the Listening Module will help you reap a spectacular score in the PTE Academic examination. PTEfor199 offers the best online PTE coaching classes in Melbourne. We are not only a team of certified trainers with expertise but we also help you train and prepare well for the ‘exam day pressure’.

Let us first understand why time management is so essential, especially when you are attempting the Listening Module.

If you pay attention and focus on the listening part, you will get hold of all the information accurately. However, unlike the writing and reading sections, you cannot undo or modify your answers, because you are attempting a real-time listening exam. What’s done is done! In addition to this, the listening module comes at the last of the PTE test, and by that time candidates are likely to be filled with exhaustion.

Do not worry. It is simple and easy if you pay attention to this article and with all the tips we provide.
The very first thing you need to do is to calm yourself before the listening begins and just have all your attention and concentration fully devoted to as and when your audio starts. Being attentive is the only best way which can either make or break your performance in the listening module.

PTEfor199 offers the best PTE training classes in Canberra. We ensure that you understand the tasks well enough before you start practicing. There are eight types of listening tasks under this particular module:

  • Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer: For these types of questions, you are required to analyze all the options given, listen to the audio carefully and then mark accordingly.
  • Summarize Spoken Test: This will require your attentiveness to a greater extent as you will have to draft a word summary within 10 minutes in about 50-70 word count.
  • Fill in the blanks: To find answers to fill-ups, complete the blank spaces in the transcript with the missing words while listening to the respective audio clips.
  • Highlight Correct Summary: Listen carefully to the audio recording and select the best possible option which summarizes matching to the statements you heard.
  • Multiple Choice, Single Answer: One option will be correct amongst the several given options, and you need to choose the correct one.
  • Select Missing Word: Certain words will be beeped out, you are required to select the most appropriate response and fill the space of the word missing.
  • Highlight Incorrect Words: There will be some errors in the transcripts. After listening and comparing with the original audio, you are required to highlight the errors.
  • Write from Dictation: Write down a short sentence precisely after you carefully listen to the audio.

PTEfor199’s suggests the best tips you can use on how to go about managing your time for the Listening Module:

Using time constructively and how it varies from one person to another. But what we advise is to understand the importance of your time. It doesn’t just merely mean that you are required to complete tasks at all costs, however, how you mustn’t overlook the fact that how productively you use your time is what will take you ahead of your competitors.
PTEfor199 delivers the best PTE coaching classes in Adelaide. Let us help you on how to deal with it:

  • Prioritization: The tasks which are vital carry significant weightage. Put your best of the skills here to opt for them first. For instance, Fill in the blanks questions are at a higher priority in comparison to the Multiple Choice Answers. This is due to the trickiness offered by the latter questions. So, Fill in the Blanks are relatively easier and can help you gain a full score with average English Speaking skills. Answering at least 2 correct out of the 4-5 blanks can reap you 10 credit points right away.
  • Familiarize: The best way to beat the time is to know the flow of the Listening Module. To crack this section, you must be acquainted with the format and sequence of the tasks. Get more comfortable with the examination pattern and thus you need to focus on managing your tasks well rather than wasting them. A correct approach is going to benefit you here.
    Let us consider the Highlight Incorrect Words task, if you are well to go with the format of this type of task, you must not be alien with the fact that there is negative marking here for every incorrect answer you give.
  • Optimize: Using time to the best of your advantage, rather optimally will make your practice sessions quite thorough, thereby benefiting you for your test day. You should know when to hold a strong grip on time and when to let it loose. If we consider the Summarized Spoken Test, you need not worry too much about your time since you get a 10-minute bracket. This facilitates you to perform rapidly in this particular task. Moreover, since you saved some time, you can carry it forward for other questions.

Appearing for the PTE Academic examination surely convinces that you are opting in for a well-defined purpose and you do not want to take up the exam again and again. PTEfor199 prepares you to aim high and score even higher. Our certified trainers personally evaluate your performance and help you build an excellent effective strategy to manage your time.

Enrol now and get the most valuable training with our PTE online classes in Melbourne.

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